Kemajuan teknologi sangatlah cepat dan sering kali sulit dibaikan. Harus diakui bahwa dunia digital tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kehidupan manusia. Walaupun pada awalnya manusia mampu beradaptasi d…
The book begins with mathematical methods for describing signals and system , in both continuos and discrete time. I introduce the idea of a transform with the continuos time Fourier series, and f…
Silicon has become the uncontested technology of choice for commercial rasio frequency integrated system such as those in smartphone, tablets, and televition. Research over the past decade has demo…
The popularity of renewable energy as a subject of study at undergraduate level is growing rapidly, stimulated by the widespread recognition that ways must be found to provide the power, light and …
WorldCAll is the worldwide professional association for teachers and educators interested in Computer Assited Language Learning (CALL). WorldCall aims to enhance computer assisted language teaching…
This book by James Reyes - Picknell and Jesus R Sifonte is welcome addition to the literature on Realibility Centered Maintenance (RCM). Over the last decade, the workplace has changed, and RCM has…
In this book, it a assumed that yaou have probably opened an electronic device at one time or another and checked a fuse. Perhaps you know a resistor when you see one, one maybe you've even soldere…
Rangkaian elektronik adalah satu kombinasi yang unik antara sebuah buku referensi yang komprehensif dengan sebuah buku pegangan elektronika praktis. Isi buku telah disesuaikan dengan kurikulum perg…
Gain a solid understanding of light - emitting diode (LED) system theory with this unique book. Written by a leading expert in LED lighting, it links together the photometric, electrical thermal a…
Tujuan buku ini adalah memberikan batu pijakan yang cukup lebar dan dalam bagi para calon elektronisi akan seluk - beluk tek frekwensi rendah, dalam pemahaman teori dan ketrampilan prakteknya. Yang…