Young people's letters to the president-from the time of abraham lincoln to the present provide us with a firsthand look at the vamerican past, and at the american presidenly.
Pada hari kamis tanggal 30 september 1965 di ibu kota republik indonesia, jakarta, telah terjadi " gerakan militer dalam angkatan darat" yang dinamakan "gerakan 30 september", dikepalai oleh letnan…
The most admired woman in the united states"-that's how the american people rated eleanor roosevelt in a gallup poll taken in 1958. she was 73 years old at the time. it had been 13 years since her …
Smith was ready to take his last breath. suddenly, he felt a slim body slam against his own. it was young pocahontos. she had thrown herself down and held smith's " head in her armes and laid her o…
If any personal description of me is thought desirable, it may be said, i am in height, ssix feet four inches, nearly; lean in flesh, weighing on an average, one hundred and eighty pounds; dark com…